Saturday, February 22, 2014


hahaa.. ok malam ni tak-sangat-rare bile aku google barang hantaran. well it not actually barang hantaran yg aku google cuma aku google style hantaran yang aku nak. i mean, i just don't get any idea how to explain it. well, ni contoh yang aku rasa aku nak buat hantaran kat laki aku.. simple, running just a few color well in another word it's called monochrome color. ahaa.. yurp, using pastel color is more suitable for my hantaran.

ok, i took it from google image.

so as u can see above, warna tak byk lari la kan. still ade warna2 yang tak menyerabut kan kepala hotak aku. hahha! ok, now im begin to research more about weds stuff. weee.. can't wait to get married soon. alhamdulilah setakat ni no halangan from my and his parent. now focus nk kumpul duit je dulu. in sha Allah. doakan yang terbaik utk kami. 

love, love, love~

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