im afraid to get married! omaigod! ahhh.. pembuka bicara sangat cliche. tukar - tukar..
i want to be somebody who get a reason for live. hehe.
what that's mean?
dude.. it mean, err.. wait, my mind still figure out what meaning of the question...
what is the best thing i really want in my life?
still loading..
who i really want to be my love life?
im so tired to be in love again.
enough say.
berdoa, itu lah kunci kebahagian sebenar.
study lah study!
bila nak jadi kaya raya ni?
hidup tak perlu harapkan duit mama dan bapak.
duit duit duit.
nak hidup kene duit.
tak ade duit mati.
mati ape?
mati akal?
mati jasad?
mati minda?
apa beza minda dan akal?
Allah tuhanku, Muhammad persuruhMu.
kepadaNya ku beriman.
in sha Allah. sampai masa, Allah tetapkan.
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