Friday, March 28, 2014


Duit claim mybrain15 tatahu bile leh dapat
Duit allowance research assistant tatahu bile leh dapat
Duit Brim tatahu bile leh dapat
Duit Bb1m tatahu bile leh dapat

Duit Duit Duit

aduh.. pening pk.. tak de duit tak leh hidup.. THIS IS REALITY!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Return if possible

this is breaking news. about MH370. my thought keep saying, how many time i've been survive from any accident related to airplane? 3 years, ulang alik KL-Kuching, then my flight to KL-Korea, KL-Mecca. it not much, compared with others, but still i risk my life on air. hmm.. ya Allah, permudahkan lah semuanya. Kau memberi ku peluang utk ku bertaubat. tapi aku kerap gagal memegang janji ku. i know, soon, You will take my soul. matikan lah aku dalam keadaan yang beriman ya Allah. T.T 

life is not promises. it all depends on You. 


Thursday, March 13, 2014

I got an email

email from my supervisor. aahhhh... there is meeting with director on next monday. and i need to propose a slide to present my tittle in front of the director. and my feeling going miserable, at the same time being excited. lama tak present and meet someone important. hihi. hope everything going well. hope the director will have something to discuss. im scared, if i will do something not good. they will blame me. yes, im the one who will get blame. shame on me. but still, dont lose hope. do the best. stop trying. make as good as u can. i know im good. huhu.. peace out-

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

penat2 berfikir..

Alhamdulilah dapat perkabaran gembira dikala hati tgh gundah gedala. hahaha!

haih.. nmpoknye, Allah dah makbulkan doa aku. alhamdulilah. diberinye kesedihan dan kemudiannya Dia hadiahkan kegembiraan. aku kenal erti syukur. alhamdulilah. i found my path.

naluri hati

kenapa lah hidup aku ni malang sangat? kenapa tuhan susah sgt nak bagi jalan kat aku? aku dah bosan belajar. dok uma tk buat ape. nak suh study otak aku dah tak boleh masuk pape dah. stress betui lah. malas sgt ke aku ni? aku just tak tahu nak buat ape. aku just nk life normal2 je. mmg lah nk jd org kaya. tp tu dulu. skrg ni rasa, nk jd normal pon susah. inikan nk jadi org kaya. sy mksdkan kat sni org kaya ni mean org berjaya dr segi kewangan. entah lah. start dah meroyan balik ni. jalan aku salah ke? kenapa time2 mcm ni tuhan nk bg feeling nk kawen tu kuat sgt? dah bagi aku feeling nk kawen pastu tak bg jalan yg sepatutnye. 

kalau org baca mmg semua akan kutuk. ptt aku perlu berusaha. tp org lain, faham ke? 

menghitung hari. membazir masa. 

impian bukan punah cuma hilang. 

face the reality. 

luahan hati yang belum tentu semua org faham.

kenapa aku kian jatuh?