Sunday, May 26, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

hari ini

memikirkan, kemana selepas degree?

waaaahh.. tajuk nk masyuk. well. that the reality.

i got a chance to pursuing master in uniams. im still thinking. should I? i should?
kerja? belajar? kerjabelajar...

duit. family. tah lah.. ape nk jadi. people talk easily. but they don't know what in my mind.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


i hate grammar!


helo hi good morning. just now i just watched hmm.. mr.lutfi's video in utube. and the title is judgemental. bila2 dah tgk video tu mmg lah sheronok. tp bila dok baca komen2 merapu kat bawah tu, haha! ok, look i dah judge orang. ya, i admit. menda tak boleh lari dari men - judge people. especially people around us. day by day, i try to improve. jgn mgata orang, jgn dok mgata orang, jannnagnnnnnn..

just pray for someone else. pray = positive. eh diaaaa tu..... (aku doakan dia.....) ehhh diaaaa niiii... (aku doakan kan dia....) insyaAllah, berkat hidup kau. rezeki melimpah ruah.. syukur sgt2.. 

it is so hard to change people's mind. 

doa is free. free of charge. so, start to pray now. for muslim, start your doa with selawat kepada Rasullulah. kelak di akhirat senang. lalalalalall~ 


hidup dan kehidupan tak dapat dipisahkan.

bila diri stresshhh.. sebenarnya tak stress mn pon. cuma 'terlalu banyak berfikirkan tentang kehidupan' yang menjadikan aku stress. kita yang menekan diri kita sendiri. nak 'purrrrfect', in the end, jd 'pfffft' je.

oh ya, now i dah berpunya kembali. malas lah nak fikir lama2. sometimes we need to rest put the probs down, and solve it later. ya, sometimes. jgn buat always. nanti berkumpul probs satu hal plak. haha.

hmm.. i was thinking to have a berry very comfort life. but, orang kaya tu, bukan ada life pon actually. mereka akan sibuk cari duit merata2. i ask my self. do i need duit or life? tak da duit, ada life - mslh jugak, its like, i got my life but i need them to be happy. aku tak nk aku swg je happy sbb aku ada life. tak ada life, byk duit - mslh jugak. so, be hardworking. or be lessworking? how about tak ada duit, tak ada life?- too loser. but bila ada duit, ada life - that impossible.

which one i prefer?
only i know the answer.

Saturday, May 4, 2013